Central Conservatory Beijing Logo |
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Chinese Electronic Music Centre
Artistic and research and exchange; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)
ChinaConservatoryOfMusicLogo |
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China Conservatory of Music
Educational, research and cultural exchange
Staff and student exchange; joint degree programmes (MA, Phd); artistic and research exchange; post-doctorate opportunities.
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Erasmus exchange; artistic and research exchange; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)
Frosinone Logo |
Postgraduate and staff exchange
ina/grm logo |
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Artistic and research exchange, staff and postgraduate
Artistic and research exchange
ionian university logo |
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Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory
Erasmus exchange; research exchange; joint summer academy; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)
notam logo |
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Artistic and research exchange
Logo of University of Cape Town |
South African College of Music / University of Cape Town / Plaatjies Institute for African Musics and Technology
Research exchange; staff and student exchange; joint exhibitions, projects and meetings; cooperation of courses and curriculum development
untref logo |
Exchange of staff and students; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD); joint research activities
kmhLogo |
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Erasmus exchange; artistic and research exchange; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)
sibelius academy logo |
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Erasmus exchange: undergraduate, postgraduate and staff
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Artistic and research exchange, staff and postgraduate
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Exchange of staff and students; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD); joint research activities
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Studio für Klangkunst und Klangforschung
Postgraduate and staff
University of Montreal Logo |
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Undergraduate, postgraduate and staff exchange
Sorbonne Logo |
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Erasmus exchange: postgraduate and staff; research exchange; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)
zkm logo |
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Artistic and research exchange