

Dissemination Conference

The main dissemination event for the research project was a conference co-organized with the School and Public Health Nurses Association at University College London, 30th November and 1st December 2009.

Sickle Cell and Education Sickle 2009: Support and Management of Children with Sickle Cell

Professional conferences

We have given seven presentations to professional conferences:

Sickle cell and education Social Aspects of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference North Carolina Sickle Cell Syndrom Program, Sheraton Hotel, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 18th February 2011.

Sickle cell and education Public Health Webinar Series on Hemoglobinopathies Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 27th January 2011.

Sickle Cell and Education. MA Healthcare Conference: Sickle Cell 2010 Institute of Physics 4th-5th November 2010.

Sickle Cell: The Challenge for Education School and Public Health Nurses 4th Annual Conference, Centennial Centre, Birmingham 27th-28th September 2010.

Sickle Cell and Education: The Results of Two Surveys Forum for Acute Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Nurse Specialists City Hospital, Birmingham 9th December 2008

Integrated approaches to supporting children and young people in school with long-term medical conditions: sickle cell anaemia School and Public Health Nurses Annual Conference Centennial Centre, Birmingham October 8 2008.

Sickle Cell and Education Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital Sickle Cell Course 23rd September 2008

Academic conferences

Six presentations were made to academic conferences.

Dyson, SM, Atkin, K, Culley, LA, Evans H, Dyson, SE and Rowley, D. (2010) A social model for sickle cell policy: lessons from a study of sickle cell and education in England First International Congress on Sickle Cell Accra, Ghana, West Africa 20th-23rd July 2010.

Dyson, SE, Atkin, K, Culley, LA, Evans H, and Dyson, SM. (2010)School ethos: a plausible explanationof reported school experience of sickle cell in England? First International Congress on Sickle Cell Accra, Ghana, West Africa 20th-23rd July 2010.

Dyson, SM, Atkin, K, Culley, LA, Evans H, Dyson, SE and Rowley, D (2009) Mistaking Disaffection: Children with Sickle Cell at School 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 5th November 2009

Dyson, SM, Abuateya, H, Atkin, K, Culley, LA, Dyson, SE and Rowley, D (2009) Reported school experiences of young people living with sickle cell disorder in England Sickle Cell Disease Association of America 37th Annual Convention: Orlando, Florida, USA 30th September-3rd October 2009.

Dyson, SE, Abuateya, H, Atkin, K, Culley, LA, Rowley, D and Dyson, SM (2009) Sickle Cell and School Ethos Sickle Cell Disease Association of America 37th Annual Convention: Orlando, Florida, USA 30th September-3rd October 2009.

Dyson, SM, Abuateya, H, Atkin, K, Culley, L, Dyson, SE and Rowley, D (2009) Disclosure and Sickle Cell: A mixed methods study of young people with sickle cell at school British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Conference University of Manchester, 3rd-5th September 2009

The Research Evidence

Academic Publications

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Young People on Sickle Cell

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Simon Dyson
Professor of Applied Sociology
Room 1.27 Hawthorn Building
Leicester LE1 9BH
T: +44 (0)116 257 7751
E: sdyson@dmu.ac.uk