
PhD Graduations Completions

Pharmacy Practice Research Degree – Successful Supervisions

Graham Lawson
H. Mulla – PhD 2005 Drug disposition in Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation ECMO.

P. Patel – PhD 2011Determination of dexamethasone in dried blood spots.

Peter Rivers
M. Steward – M.Phil 2003 Provision of community pharmaceutical services by District Health Authorities in England and Wales.

L. Spong
M.Phil 1994 An evaluation of pharmaceutical standards in private nursing homes for the elderly.

R. Goldstein
PhD 1994 Pharmaceutical Care - the needs of elderly people and their carers living in the community.

Paul White
PhD 2005 Confronting the ecological fallacy and the modifiable areal unit problem: a geographical information systems approach to improve spatial analysis and cartographic visualization for epidemiology.

Jane Brown
PhD 2006 Efficacy and Efficiency of the management of medicines at the interface between primary and secondary care.

Asiya Malik
PhD 2006 An exploration of factors affecting the promotion of health of 14-17 year old British Muslims of Pakistani origin with particular reference to Beta thalassaemia, coronary heart disease and diabetes.

S. Dinan-Young
PhD by Publication 2009 Exercise in Old Age: A research, practice, education and standards Continuum.

Larry Goodyer
S. Punchack – PhD 1992 Use of an electronic monitoring aid to investigate the medication pattern of drugs prescribed for arthritis.

C. Woodruffe-Peacock – PhD 1998 Clinical trials in community pharmacies.

S. Hariri - PhD 1998 Multimedia computerised information systems in community pharmacies.

Chaikoovatana - PhD 2002 Multimedia systems for case history taking by community pharmacists.

R. Foulsham – PhD 2003 Domiciliary visits in community pharmacies.

N. Safwat – PhD 2004 Discharge medication.

D. Dhawood - PhD 2007 Non Doctor Prescribing.

Sangeeta Tanna
P. Patel – PhD 2011Determination of dexamethasone in dried blood spots.

Post Doctoral Research Fellows

Dr B Farrand 2009-10 NIHR Funded Bioequivalence of Captopril in Neonate formulations.

Dr E Cox 2010-11 HEIF Funded LC MSMS analysis of dried blood spots.

Dr E Cox 2011-12 The Gunn and Carter Project – Blood spot analysis for assessing medication adherence.