Esports Production BA (Hons) module details
Year one
Block 1: Esports cultures and industries
Historical context of Esports, gaming cultures, game mechanics, industry infrastructure for eSports, how the industry operates.
Block 2: TV and radio studio production
Covering traditional media of radio and TV studio to give broad base of technical skills,
Block 3: Digital media design
Basic coding, UI, UX, design thinking, social media strategy, how to improve your social media content, how to develop social media content for a client.
Block 4: Esports On Air
Students will be asked to produce a live streamed Esports event, professionally produced on location or in the TV studio and broadcast to a live audience
Year two
Block 1: Esports ecosystems and analytics
Data analytics for Esports, how analytics impacts on business, working with live data, how data informs the development of industry and business
Block 2: Live broadcast for digital
Encompassing streamcasting, podcasting, Insta/FB live, Twitch, episodic live content, developing a brand for your channel or franchise, developing your own influencer brand
Block 3: Immersive and experiential media
VR, AR, coding for app development, geolocation, geocaching, immersive installation, motion capture
Block 4: Esports Events Production
Students will produce a hybrid event to take place both in-person and through streaming channels and leverage the opportunity for promotion and commercialisation
Year three
Block 1: Esports community and innovation
Community management, the future of Esports, disruptive technologies, and innovation in Esports, leveraging communities for promotional opportunities and new developments in the sector
Block 2: Creative content programming
Content strategy, editorial strategy, creating a franchise that lives across platforms, creating a channel across Youtube, podcast and social media, making the most of content opportunities
Block 3: Portfolio project
We blend research skills with tips on employability, building your portfolio, freelancing and how to develop a final major project that will appeal to employers
Block 4: Esports Expo
You will produce a convention or community gathering with a competitive streaming opportunity