Heroine Television: The Case of the British Female Ensemble Drama. ManchesterUniversity Press. (Forthcoming 2021).
‘Separating the Women from the Girls: Reconfigurations of the Feminine in Contemporary British Drama’, (2013) in Thornham, H. and Weissmann, E. (2013) (eds.) Unfixing Feminism: Stories, Fantasies and Futures.USA and UK: IB Tauris.
(with Prof. Christine Gledhill, New YorkUniversity) ‘Genre and Gender’, In Hall, S., Evans., J and Nixon, S. (2013) (ed.): Representation. London: Sage. 2nd edition.
‘Forgotten Sisters: The Female Ensemble Drama’ (2013) in Moseley, R., Wheatley., H and Wood, H. (2013) (eds.) ‘Television for Women’, Screen Dossier, Vol. 54, No. 2.
(Co-edited with Dr Melanie Bell) Special edition of Journal of British Film and Television ‘Women at work in the Film and Television industries (2013). Vol. 10, No. 3.
‘The ‘Feminization’ of British Television and the Re-traditionalization of Gender’ (2012), Feminist Media Studies Vol. 12, No. 2.