Glover, L, Tregaskis, O and Butler, P (2010), From boom to bust: Employee experiences of workplace partnership, WES conference 2010.
Glover, L and Butler, P (2007) High performance work systems, social partnership and the working (and non-work) lives of HR professionals’, WES conference 2007.
Glover, L and Noon, M (2005) Shopfloor workers perceptions of the impact of quality management upon the quality of working life: Some case study evidence, BUIRA conference, Newcastle.
Tregaskis, O, Ferner, A. and Glover, L. (2005) The role of international HR networks in MNCs: global HR and social capital, BAM conference, Oxford.
Glover, L. and Noon, M. (2004) Shopfloor workers’ responses to quality management: Evaluating the disciplined worker thesis, Work, Employment and Society Conference, Manchester.