Visiting Professor Liaoning University China
Invited Speaker at the Launch of the new PEFA framework for PFM diagnostics.
Fred was invited to present to a delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Finance on Local Government Debt: Appointed member of Technical Assistance team to Moldova on PFM reform.
Invited Member of the IFAC (international Federation of Accountants) roundtable discussions on the role of Professional Accounting Organizations in Economic Development for emerging and developing economies.
Invited Speaker at European Symposium (in Lille France) organised by Gestion & Finances publiques, A critical debate on the budgetary framework of the United Kingdom, A. GUIGUE, F. MEAR Invited Speaker of International Academic Symposium on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education at Sunwah International Business School Liaoning University “Crisis of Chinese Local Governmental Debts, Opportunity for Public Sector Accrual-based Accounting?
Presentations on behalf of the Dutch Foreign Office to applicant countries to the EU on PFM law
Presented to Representatives of Turkish Ministry of Finance on PFM reform.
Fred has worked on many Technical Assistance programs for the EU and is currently part of the team providing Technical Assistance to Moldova on adoption of International Public Sector Accounting. In the past Fred has also worked on EU funded projects for Belarus, Latvia, Russia and Cuba